
Participated in 2020 IPPE (USA)

Date Created 2020-02-06 18:00:50     Hit 4,376


We attended ‘IPPE(International Production & Processing Expo 2020)’, a world-class poultry, feed and meat processing fair held in 

Atlanta, Georgia, from January 28-30 in 2020.

IPPE, which greets its 72nd anniversary this year, is the largest scale of livestock fair including all latest technology, development, 

production and distribution of animal medicine, feed and feed additives, packaging technology, production equipment, cultivation and feeding.

This year, more than 1,300 global companies participated in the exhibition, which was the largest number ever, and 32,000 attendees 

visited the venue.

As the largest poultry fair in the world, it was informative time for participants from various countries could learn more about the most 

recent information, trend analysis of the international livestock market and current state of technology development.

Morningbio will continue to participate in world-class exhibitions and conferences to observe the international market trend with 

the latest information through interactions with foreign companies and hence, this will help us to promote the excellence of 

Korean feed additives and expand our export business.

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